All the secrets to success in Jazz Turns and Leaps + Jumps.
Looking for a comprehensive program for Jazz Turns and Leaps + Jumps
Looking to learn new skills or new ways of teaching existing skills
Looking for an easy, affordable, and convenient solution to stay up on dance trends and technique
Wanting to evolve your teaching, but don't want to invest in the expense of a conference
Looking to bring new skills to your studio or class
Looking for a consistent method for teachers to teach skills
And more!
Build foundational skills by focusing on proper placement and alignment
Refine your technique so you can add elite-level turns to your repertoireÂ
(Regularly $763)
Learn (or teach) your dancers to jump higher and execute leaps with more precision. Expand your skills with 38 leaps/jumps in five power-packed courses. We have the expert instruction you need.
Train anytime, anywhere with our courses. You can view it online or on our app. Our app is available for Apple and Android devices.
"I love your courses, as they are giving me great new verbiage to use to describe movements to my dancers as well as great combos to try with new ideas for movement variations. Thanks so much!"
Our Jazz Turns courses are designed to enhance and build on existing dance skills. Learn (or teach) proper placement and technique for 24 different turns. Discover the secrets for more consistent turns with our four innovative courses.
"Dance Labs Turns Courses are a concise and effective training tool for both dancers and instructors. Joelle is thorough and thoughtful, and it is obvious that her years as a dancer, teacher, and choreographer have helped her hone in on some of the precise techniques needed for a dancer to execute a large variety of turns with accuracy and ease."
This course is designed for dancers and dance educators. These courses focus on specific skills to help dancers learn turns and leaps + jumps properly in bite-sized segments, with a breakdown of each skill, and practice cues. Plus, we incorporate exercises to help build strength and enhance flexibility. Finally, these skills are incorporated into combos for dancers to practice seamless transitions in and out of choreography.
Dance teachers and coaches also love our courses because they give new ideas on how to teach these skills with new exercises and combos.
If you’re in it for a technique transformation, the Soar Package 2.0 is right for you. This package is all about building consistency and power. With the Soar Package 2.0, you’ll gain access to all levels of expert instruction on mastering the form, balance, strength and agility required to perform any leap and turn!
You can watch the courses on-demand in our course portal online. Or you can access them through our Dance Labs app, available in the Apple and Google Play app stores.
Once the course is available, you will have unlimited access to all course content--it never expires.
Join us inside for immediate access.
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